TEN BREATHS: Try this gentle mindful practice. Stand or sit in front of a window looking deeply out into nature, or stand outside in nature. Close your eyes and simply take 10 complete, deep breaths. My favorite place for this practice is outside in a sunny spot. In the time it takes for Ten Breaths (less than 2 minutes) you will feel more grounded and peaceful, and whole. While you breathe, focus on breathing. Focus on being present.
Shining One, Breathing out, let go And fall into knowing all of creation As existing within space, And you are absorbed in that Vibrant empty fullness. In this moment your body is intimate With space, exchanging essence for essence. Balancing in the midst of vast emptiness, Know utter freedom. ~ Lorin Roche, PhD. Please join me this month on Wednesdays at 12:30 PM for a midday break with the theme of Resiliency.
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AuthorIsabel Raci, C-IAYT, is a life-long practitioner and student of yoga, E-RYT, certified meditation teacher, relaxation guide, and laughter yoga leader who is passionate about the practice of meditation and yoga as self-care. Archives
October 2022
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